Recently Signed 2009 Bitcoin Block Reward Linked to Hal Finney’s Set of BTC Transactions

At the end of November, an unknown person signed a signature tied to an extremely old block reward mined on Jan. 19, 2009, and the user published a message and verified signature linked to the reward on the forum の…

フィンテック企業 Galoy が資金調達 $4 100万, スタートアップがビットコインに裏付けられた合成ドル製品を発表

水曜日に, Galoy, the firm behind El Salvadors Bitcoin Beach Wallet, announced that the company raised $4 million in funding in an investment round led by Hivemind Ventures. 同じ日に, the startup launched a new product called Stablesats, a…

攻撃者はArbitrumのTreasureDAOをオーバーハックします 100 マーケットプレイスエクスプロイトを活用したNFT

A non-fungible token market platform built on top of Arbitrum called Treasure DAO was hacked on March 3 で 7:33 午前. (は), according to a post mortem analysis authored by the security-focused firm Certik. 会社’s report notes thatover 100

ビットコインマイニングレポートは、ネットワークのエミッションアカウントを示しています 0.08% 世界のCO2の

昨年中, ビットコイン — the cryptocurrency network that leverages proof-of-work (捕虜) to process transactions and secure the protocolhas received a lot of criticism about its environmental impact. 今週, the cryptocurrency firm Coinshares published a report that


救世主’s leading ecologist Ricardo Navarro believes that mining bitcoin with a volcano, or geothermal energy, willend in environmental disaster.Navarro believes geothermal energy costs more than oil, and thinks El Salvadors millennial president Nayib Bukeles decision is questionable. Salvadoran